Steering your craft through waterways around the globe is a feat many kayaker's take-ups on often. The kayak watercraft skids across the water like skates on ice with the assistance of a paddle and the physical power of the kayaker and agility of the sleek design of the craft.
Kayaks were originally built as hunting vessels and depending upon the culture were sized differently. Kayaking is a popular sport, with people participating for pleasure and on a competitive level. These vessels build the body's agility and stamina and can be used on lakes, rivers and in the ocean.
Gear for Kayaking:
The gear used in kayaking is essential to the sport. These items keep things operating smoothly for an enjoyable time on the water.
- Dry storage bag
- Paddle
- Paddle leash
- Bilge pump
- Wet suit
- Kayaking gloves
- Helmet
- Wet shoes
- Rope bag
- Knife
- Spray deck
- Buoyancy aids
Fish Finder and/or Depth Finder
Types of Kayaks:
Kayakers will find two category types of kayaking boats on the water, Whitewater and flat-water. In these categories, there are five types in the whitewater and five types in the flat-water. Those using a kayak in flat water do not face the problem of waves and seawater, and the boats are shorter built and make turns with little effort.
Pedaling kayaks let you use your legs to move the vessel. They are fun and seen around park creeks and are fun to use at any age. These little paddle wheelers do not put a strain on the back or arms.
Recreational is easy to store with a shorter berth. It is sturdy and comfortable in warm and chilly weather. This float can be maneuvered with a skeg.
Touring kayaks are fast. Since they have a longer build. Kayaks are preferred for longer jaunts on the water. Unlike the 10 feet recreational they are 12 feet. These are kayaks for the serious user on long excursions.
Sit- on-top neat for a day on the water when fishing, and they are wider with less instability. Best on warm days, trying to stay dry is not likely with this kayak.
Inflatables are a bit like inner tubes, and a little risky unless you are very close to shore, and in water that demands little from a floating object. If you do not mind an occasional dip in the water they are fun.
The old school river runner stretches at eight feet and will allow you to move through the water comfortably. The vessel has storage space and turns with agility.
Creek boats have a nice length of eight feet or more and make the rollover a little less difficult. They are built a little stronger and sometimes have a displacement hull, this feature offers a faster boat with less control of the vessel.
Play boats are short and not good for river travel. They work well for a day of fun but are too short to be a real ride since they are around 6 feet long. These are not leg stretching kayaks.
How to Choose the Right Kayak?
Choosing a kayak depends upon your range of activity. A person out for casual fun on the water might be content with an inflatable, while someone into more serious kayaking might prefer a stronger more assertive vessel, per example a Whitewater kayak. User preference is essential. Deciding on the comfort level o your kayaking abilities, is the sit on better for your would you prefer a sit-in kayak. It is also important to decide on a budget, the efficiency of the vessel, and its durability.
A vessel that floats works on water. However, if the current is demanding, you want to choose something stronger than an inflatable. In coastal waters, sit-on-top rudder-ed touring boats make a good choice. River and lake kayakers might find a sit-on-top recreational serves the purpose.
Proper Paddling Techniques for Kayaks:
Control power by keeping hands an equal distance apart. Grip paddle firmly, while aligning knuckles with the edge of the paddle blade. Smoothly, move hands with a twist of the paddle. If a paddle is excessive long, using it can become tedious.
Learning to roll your kayak is a skill to learn for every kayaker, in the event the boat flips, and it will likely, at some point. Learning to roll is an important safety skill. Kayaks do flip over, and a user must learn to bring the paddle sports kayak vessel upright.
Terms Used in Kayaking:
Like any group paddle sports, kayaking has its terminology. This is very useful when looking for equipment or talking to other kayaker's. Those interested in kayaking become familiar with terms commonly used by kayaking enthusiast:
- Wet exit- refers to returning your boat upside when it has capsized.
- Spray skirt- attaches t the boat that keeps
- Thigh braces- contact elements for easier manufacturing the kayak vessel. Generally located in white water and touring kayaks.
- Blade- the wide part of the paddle
- Stern- the slender part of a kayak paddle.
- Portage- transporting a kayak
- PF-Personal flotation device (certified devices)
- Cockpit- kayak seat
- Shaft-rear end of the kayak.
- Back band-back seat panel
- Bow-flat end of the paddle
- Roll-up righting a capsized kayak
- Sham- the forward section of a kayak.
- Hull/Deck-bottom, top of the kayak
There are many other terms used in the sport of kayaking, each expressing an activity related to this sport. In addition, it is important to mention every kayaker should learn safety procedures in order to stay safe, while actively participating in paddle sports kayaking.
Feather-sitting the paddle blades at an angle for better paddling by adjusting the ferrule.
Grease hand
Sweet Roll
Instinctive roll
Many kayaks are constructed from polyethylene or strong plastics. Shorter vessels handle in short turns better. Yet, longer thinner designs are faster. Sit on top vessels are easy to ride on and fun. Kayaks have dry storage, therefore, taking a ride down the river or along the coast in these vessels lets you take a lunch and other necessities with you.