This mini pilotless aircraft is becoming a very useful device in today's society and we are only on the cusp of every advantage that it has to offer us in the future. It is now becoming common practice for amateurs to make videos during fishing by attaching drones to a certain type of bait to improve results for fishermen. This is one of the advantages of using this device. It's true this can be of great help. During the recording of the whole ordeal, it will be most useful where we will see how brilliant a few drones can be for fishing.
Is there a new trend on the rise?
In the technology world, devices like drones are developing faster and faster. An Aqua Drone is a 100% waterproof drone that can land and run in fresh or salt water. Unique brush-free motors allow them to operate in dry or wet conditions. The small pilotless aircraft adapts to your needs thanks to its modular design. Supporting up to two pounds, it is surprisingly strong enough for all types of activities.
100% waterproof and autonomous probes with built-in Wi-Fi that sends probe images, water depth and temperature to any Wi-Fi enabled device. The sonar can read depths up to 200 meters below the surface of the water and send information up to 300 meters on your tablet or smartphone.
It contains a pod specifically designed for ”fishing” that can carry bait in hard-to-reach areas beyond previously unavailable navigation lines and channels. Simply transport your bait and release it by touching a button. When the fish hits your bait, a tension relief arm releases the line and you can operate your reel and rod manually.
I would like to fish with this method, even though there is no doubt that it will lose all the experiences of traditional fishing. Back to reality, maybe it's not the most appropriate drone use, so let's leave it as a cool trick every once and a while.
The drone has been used for some time as a toy. Let's not forget that this is a mini helicopter or even better, a “quadcopter" because it has 4 horizontal propellers and offers the possibility to attach a camera to film the trajectory.
This is the case of a man from the RYOT informational News station who crossed the line with these devices. No one had ever thought of fishing with a drone until then. Barely anyone asked, "Is this possible?" but the answer is "yes," and as incredible as it sounds, it's real. Many praised the fisherman (or the fish drone?) as he brought the fish back into the water after rewriting history with his remote-controlled fishing technique.
It was and is not the only case, and today many people are trying to fish with drones. Derek Klingenberg is one of those tired of using traditional fishing gear and has decided to use technology to make one of his favorite things easier. Known as the "Trombone Cow Guy," he picked up his drone, pulled a fishing line, and...presto! There was this one lake in Kansas where his fishing drone experiment went very well: it wasn't long before an unsuspecting fish was caught on the hook of this mechanical bird.
Another new story featured on the networks is one that begins with Jaiden Maclean and his friends fishing with a pilotless fish drone. It should be noted that a small fish and other fish like tuna, are usually about 2 meters long. The video starts with a nice beach view and you can see the drone bait. You use a pilot-free plane to bring the crochet to a tuna bank that you can find using the camera of the device. Once the tuna has bitten, a small reflex releases the loop and the drone is released to leave the cane work.
There are many models available today and it all depends on the available budget and the quality of the videos we want to record. Especially without the integrated camera on which our action camera is mounted, drones are preferred. We can not, therefore, move the camera and our recording and production capacity is limited.
What's the best type of drone for fishing?
So when we're talking about drones and fishing, we're going to look for those with integrated cameras. Some display images in 1080p and even more can play images in 4K. In addition to many features, they produce high-resolution images from incredible angles. It is not recommended to register with lower quality, which is usually the cheapest and easiest unless we use them for pleasure.
We have to set aside drones that look like toys and that anyone can afford to take advantage of the many benefits that we want to get from them. When we create high-quality audiovisual content, we need to invest more. The size will also be important because if we want to keep them in a fishing bag, we should buy a small size that makes traveling less difficult. Big drones (which for this reason have no better properties) are better suited for amateurs who do not have free time for fishing.
Buying a drone worth 400 dollars is best because you know it's good to buy a cheaper drone for the first time than spending money on a more expensive model. Although a more expensive design may be equipped with more functionality of technology, you will not be well accustomed to the many features as a novice. Some of the best options for creating great videos for fishing are the Phantom 4, Mavic Air and Pro or Spark models. Another issue is the selection of models in which the controller has a screen, as some models need to be paired with the phone to monitor the battery problem.
Are drones really necessary for fishermen?
A fisherman who enters the world of YouTube can ask many questions. Nothing is further from reality because each individual's creativity can be infinite and not only sometimes dependent on the best material. Before we buy a drone, we have to ask some questions and know if it's really necessary because the investment is high and we already have enough spending on fishing tackle, cameras, and action cameras to add another device that we're not wrong about, it's not cheap. We have to keep the legislation in mind because driving a drone is not buying and driving wherever we want, there are limits.
And in Spain, traveling outside our borders is even more restrictive in many countries and we may have problems and dislikes when traveling. The drone is a device that can fail like any other mechanical device, and we can get out into the mountains or at sea and lose ourselves. We have to take this into account because the prices are high and it is worth taking a risk.
The planes are also less and less visible and already a little tired, although it is certain that the drone is used less than in other hobbies and that it is still rare to see such pictures and a fisherman is not so saturated with them, that's why you have to be much more creative.
If you are not enthusiastic about the audiovisual world, do not buy a drone, as this will reduce the budget for the fishing gear and we will waste time that we could use for this purpose, namely fishing.
When it comes to connecting fishing and drones, think of all these aspects.